Project Topics

Engineering Projects

eMediStore - Medical Inventory and Billing System

Published on Sep 03, 2023


The revolutionary trends of computerization have reached the peaks achieving global goals in all fields and sectors. The Medical Store Inventory and Billing Systems are getting computerized leading to a new and innovative way of approach to Billing and Invoicing. This project specifically aims to the total computerization of the billing and invoicing system in Hospital, Medical stores, sales department.

With the total automation of billing process, the manual dependency is minimized to a large extent. It inherits all the properties of computerizing a system which includes quick response, less processing time, non-diligence, fast recovery, robustness, flexibility, reliability, scalability. Today’s trend demands high rate of automation for the billing and customer satisfaction as the business are growing in exponential form and maintaining billing records in a consistent format.

The Medical Store Inventory and Billing System is a powerful application designed to allow medical stores, hospitals to streamline their billing tasks and manage current stock, purchase and sale pricing. And produce MIS reports

The system includes a comprehensive product information database. It also has role –based access level control that is functionally based on whether the user is an data entry operator or an manager. With Medical Store Inventory and Billing System Administrators can manage and track System users.

To develop software application that supports the application specific to the Medical Billing Automation in an intranet to an organization there by allowing the interaction of all the sales staff pertaining to that organization.

To allow the sales staff and administrator of an organization or hospitals to update the stock, purchase and sales details whenever there is a change in the medicine pricing and transaction pertaining to that organization. Whenever there is a change in the medicine pricing and transaction pertaining to that organization.


Login, Product / Medicine Master, Supplier Master, Purchase Entry, Sales Entry, Sales Return, Print Invoice, Receipt, Stock In Hand Report, Daily Sale / Purchase Report, Sales Summary Report. User master, etc.

Hardware requirement:

Processor: Preferably 3.0 GHz or Greater.

RAM : 1 GB or Greater.

Software requirement:

• VB.Net

• VS 2005 / 2008 and heigher

• Oracle 9i and heigher

Limitations of the Software:

This project was developed to fulfill user requirement; however there are lots of scope to improve the performance of the Medical and Inventory System in the area of user interface, database performance, and query processing time. Etc.

Future Enhancements:

• Linking and integration of accounting system.

• Addition of bar code reader for easy billing and inventory

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